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Human Resources
University of Mississippi

In January 2022, the Department of Human Resources launched a pilot of the first-ever, staff-wide pulse survey. Pulse surveys are a widely used tool for getting quick “pulse checks” that can help leaders determine efforts to strengthen and empower our employees. The pulse survey invites staff members to rate their experiences within their work environment.


The survey will be distributed quarterly by email and will be open for completion for one week. The timing of the pulses will allow time to analyze the aggregated data and evaluate university-wide trends.

Winter 2024 results

Fall 2023 results

Summer 2023 results

Spring 2023 results

Winter 2023 results

Fall 2022 results

Summer 2022 results

Winter 2022 results


If you provided responses indicating “Dissatisfied” or “Extremely Dissatisfied” you are encouraged to reach out to your Human Resources Partner for assistance.

Comfort Agyin-Birikorang, HR Generalist II (serving staff in Academic Units)

Rocklyn Reed, HR Generalist II (serving staff in Student Affairs & VCAF, excluding FM*)

Hunter Haney, Assistant Director of Human Resources (serving staff in the Chancellor’s Division, excluding Athletics)

Andrea Jekabsons, Chief Human Resources Officer (serving Faculty and staff in Athletics)