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Human Resources
University of Mississippi

Performance Management:
Staff Performance Reviews

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Every staff member contributes to the overall success of our University. All staff members, no matter how skilled, need opportunities for continuous feedback and learning opportunities. Both employees and supervisors/managers have a responsibility to actively participate in the performance management process.

The process includes planning for performance by setting clearly defined objectives (individual goals), on-going coaching (formal and informal), and highlighting success, while emphasizing the importance of follow-through. The process aligns with the University’s mission, specifically providing opportunities for learning, discovery, and engagement.

Creating Personal Performance Objectives

The online tool allows for personalized objectives to support the individual’s performance as well as to impact the departments success.  Watch the four-minute brief tutorial for assistance.  The objectives (including comments) will be incorporated into the annual performance review form each quarter.


Equally of importance is the section for the University’s valued-based competencies.  This section has been abbreviated.  The Job-Specific competencies are not included for the Fiscal Year 2023 due to of the on-going View2022 project.

Optional Steps and Required Step

While there is an opportunity to participate in the formal process each quarter, it is not required. If the employee or supervisor chooses to engage within connectU, the only required text is the “Overall Quarterly Comment” field.

Alternatively, some chose to engage actively throughout the year allowing for less time and effort at the end of the fiscal year.

The complete review period schedule is available at:


Learn more at


Schedule a consultation:

Hunter Haney, Assistant Director of Human Resources

Andrea Jekabsons, Chief Human Resources Officer


Staff and administrators participating in the required year-end performance review, please refer to the attached infographic for information, including helpful links (indicated by pointers).

Step 1 – Creating Objectives

The online tool allows for personalized objectives to support the individual’s performance as well as to impact the departments success.  Watch the four-minute brief tutorial for assistance. The objectives are created within the “Objectives” module and will be part of the overall review rating at the end of the year.  Comments may be posted within the Objectives module anytime throughout the year.

The objectives (including comments) will be incorporated into the annual performance review form each quarter.

Step 2 – Review Performance

Each quarter there is an opportunity to review performance.  The year end review is required and includes a self review from the employee and the supervisor’s year end review.

The complete review period schedule is available at:

Employees hired before April 1, 2023, are eligible for the year-end performance review process for July 1, 2023 and June 30, 2024.

Employees hired between April 1, 2023 and August 30, 2023 are eligible for a half-year review (January 2024 – June 2024).

Access the performance forms at

More Information

Frequently Asked Questions:

Performance Review Calendar

Value-Based Competencies for all Staff Employees:

Need Further Assistance:


Probationary Reviews for New Staff Members
Progressive Discipline for Staff Members

The University complies with all applicable laws regarding affirmative action and equal opportunity in all its activities and programs and does not discriminate against anyone protected by law because of age, color, disability, national origin, race, religion, sex, status as a veteran or disabled veteran or genetic information. More information

Email for further assistance.