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Human Resources
University of Mississippi

PERFORM - Engage. Empower. Elevate.

Job Group Specific Competencies for all Staff Members

Positions by job group are available at:


Job Groups 51, 53, 61, 71, 73, and 75

Accepting Direction – Accepts and follows directions from others; respects authority; complies with requests; does what they are asked to do

Accepting Responsibility – Takes accountability for delivering on commitments; owns mistakes and uses them as opportunities for learning and development; openly discusses his/her actions and their consequences both good and bad

Acquiring Information – Consults with others on problems and activities; collects information from a range of sources to assist and guide job activities; asks effective questions to obtain information to help him/her perform their job

Adapting to Change – Maintains a positive attitude in the face of change; appropriately adjusts behavior and activities to changing conditions

Displaying Technical Expertise – Keeps his/her technical skills current; effectively applies specialized knowledge and skills to perform work tasks; understands and masters the technical skills, knowledge, and tasks associated with his/her job; shares technical expertise with others

Pursuing Self-Development – Demonstrates ambition and desire to move forward in his/her career; engages others in discussions about career development; seeks feedback on ways to increase his/her performance; takes advantage of opportunities to build new skills and capabilities

Working Safely – Respects and follows safety policies and regulations; scans the environment for things that may pose a safety risk; encourages others to utilize safe and healthy work practices

Job Groups 41, 43, 43A and 45

Accepting Direction – Accepts and follows directions from others; respects authority; complies with requests; does what they are asked to do

Accepting Responsibility – Takes accountability for delivering on commitments; owns mistakes and uses them as opportunities for learning and development; openly discusses his/her actions and their consequences both good and bad

Acquiring Information – Consults with others on problems and activities; collects information from a range of sources to assist and guide job activities; asks effective questions to obtain information to help him/her perform their job

Adapting to Change – Maintains a positive attitude in the face of change; appropriately adjusts behavior and activities to changing conditions

Displaying Technical Expertise – Keeps his/her technical skills current; effectively applies specialized knowledge and skills to perform work tasks; understands and masters the technical skills, knowledge, and tasks associated with his/her job; shares technical expertise with others

Pursuing Self-Development – Demonstrates ambition and desire to move forward in his/her career; engages others in discussions about career development; seeks feedback on ways to increase his/her performance; takes advantage of opportunities to build new skills and capabilities

Job Groups 39 and 39A

Acting Decisively – Moves quickly to make decisions and commit to a clear course of action; comfortable making decisions based on partial information; willing to take risks in order to maintain momentum; shows a strong bias toward action

Acting as a Champion for Change – Challenges the status quo; encourages people to question existing methods, practices, and assumptions; supports people in their efforts to try new

Assembling Talent – Actively works to recruit, hire, and retain high performers; constantly looking for talent to add to the organization; creates a challenging and rewarding work environment; has a reputation as a great person to work with

Interacting with People at Different Levels – Comfortable interacting with people at all levels of the organization; adjusts style of conversation based on the audience; uses words and messages appropriate given the background and interests of the people he/she is talking to

Managing Risk – Effectively balances risks and opportunities; thinks through potential positive and negative outcomes; looks for ways to mitigate risks

Navigating Organizations – Understands how work gets done in organizations; builds networks that allow him/her to efficiently drive projects through the organizational structure; maximizes productivity while staying within constraints of formal organizational policies and rules

Pursuing Self-Development – Demonstrates ambition and desire to move forward in his/her career; engages others in discussions about career development; seeks feedback on ways to increase his/her performance; takes advantage of opportunities to build new skills and capabilities

Job Group 38

Acting Decisively – Moves quickly to make decisions and commit to a clear course of action; comfortable making decisions based on partial information; willing to take risks in order to maintain momentum; shows a strong bias toward action

Critical Thinking – Skilled at finding logical flaws in arguments and plans; identifies problems and solutions that others might miss; provides detailed insight and constructive criticism into problems and complex situations

Demonstrating Tenacity and Perseverance – Maintains high levels of energy and enthusiasm over an extended amount of time; does not give up when faced with challenging obstacles; completes what he/she starts; sees projects through to the end

Evaluating and Implementing Ideas – Defines requirements and resources needed to implement new ideas; approaches innovation with a practical, task-oriented mindset; converts ideas from general concepts into actionable plans

Pursuing Self-Development – Pursuing Self-Development – Demonstrates ambition and desire to move forward in his/her career; engages others in discussions about career development; seeks feedback on ways to increase his/her performance; takes advantage of opportunities to build new skills and capabilities

Work Safely – Respects and follows safety policies and regulations; scans the environment for things that may pose a safety risk; encourages others to utilize safe and healthy work practices

Job Group 37

Assembling Talent – Actively works to recruit, hire, and retain high performers; constantly looking for talent to add to the organization; creates a challenging and rewarding work environment; has a reputation as a great person to work with

Acting as a Champion for Change – Challenges the status quo; encourages people to question existing methods, practices, and assumptions; supports people in their efforts to try new things

Navigating Organizations – Understands how work gets done in organizations; builds networks that allow him/her to efficiently drive projects through the organizational structure; maximizes productivity while staying within constraints of formal organizational policies and rules

Pursuing Self-Development – Demonstrates ambition and desire to move forward in his/her career; engages others in discussions about career development; seeks feedback on ways to increase his/her performance; takes advantage of opportunities to build new skills and capabilities

Interacting with People at Different Levels – Comfortable interacting with people at all levels of the organization; adjusts style of conversation based on the audience; uses words and messages appropriate given the background and interests of the people he/she is talking to

Acting Decisively – Moves quickly to make decisions and commit to a clear course of action; comfortable making decisions based on partial information; willing to take risks in order to maintain momentum; shows a strong bias toward action

Managing Risk – Effectively balances risks and opportunities; thinks through potential positive and negative outcomes; looks for ways to mitigate risks

Job Group 35

Acting as a Champion for Change – Challenges the status quo; encourages people to question existing methods, practices, and assumptions; supports people in their efforts to try new things

Acting Decisively – Moves quickly to make decisions and commit to a clear course of action; comfortable making decisions based on partial information; willing to take risks in order to maintain momentum; shows a strong bias toward action

Adapting to Change – Maintains a positive attitude in the face of change; appropriately adjusts behavior and activities to changing conditions

Assembling Talent – Actively works to recruit, hire, and retain high performers; constantly looking for talent to add to the organization; creates a challenging and rewarding work environment; has a reputation as a great person to work with

Interacting with People at Different Levels – Comfortable interacting with people at all levels of the organization; adjusts style of conversation based on the audience; uses words and messages appropriate given the background and interests of the people he/she is talking to

Leveraging Opportunities – Scans the environment for opportunities to grow the business or accelerate performance; encourages people to exploit chances to drive the business forward

Managing Risk – Effectively balances risks and opportunities; thinks through potential positive and negative outcomes; looks for ways to mitigate risks

Navigating Organizations – Understands how work gets done in organizations; builds networks that allow him/her to efficiently drive projects through the organizational structure; maximizes productivity while staying within constraints of formal organizational policies and rules

Pursuing Self-Development – Demonstrates ambition and desire to move forward in his/her career; engages others in discussions about career development; seeks feedback on ways to increase his/her performance; takes advantage of opportunities to build new skills and capabilities

Sharing Information – Readily shares knowledge and experience with others; actively participates in discussions and exchanges of ideas

Job Groups 31 and 33

Accepting Responsibility – Takes accountability for delivering on commitments; owns mistakes and uses them as opportunities for learning and development; openly discusses his/her actions and their consequences both good and bad

Acting Decisively – Moves quickly to make decisions and commit to a clear course of action; comfortable making decisions based on partial information; willing to take risks in order to maintain momentum; shows a strong bias toward action

Adapting to Change – Maintains a positive attitude in the face of change; appropriately adjusts behavior and activities to changing conditions

Interacting with People at Different Levels – Comfortable interacting with people at all levels of the organization; adjusts style of conversation based on the audience; uses words and messages appropriate given the background and interests of the people he/she is talking to

Leveraging Opportunities – Scans the environment for opportunities to grow the business or accelerate performance; encourages people to exploit chances to drive the business forward

Pursuing Self-Development – Demonstrates ambition and desire to move forward in his/her career; engages others in discussions about career development; seeks feedback on ways to increase his/her performance; takes advantage of opportunities to build new skills and capabilities

Job Groups 11, 12, and 13

Acting Decisively – Moves quickly to make decisions and commit to a clear course of action; comfortable making decisions based on partial information; willing to take risks in order to maintain momentum; shows a strong bias toward action

Developing Talent – Invests time and resources into building the capabilities of team members; helps people define career goals and establish development plans to achieve them; gives people constructive, developmental feedback and advice

Driving for Results – Aggressively pursues challenging goals and objectives; will to put in considerable time and effort to accomplish objectives; takes a highly focused, goal driven approach toward work

Making Accurate Judgments and Decisions – Bases decisions on a systematic review of relevant facts and information; avoids making assumptions or rushing to judgment; provides clear rationale for decisions

Managing Political Situations – Sensitive to how his/her actions may be interpreted by others; looks at things from other people’s point of view; takes care to communicate so actions are perceived positively; diplomatically handles disagreements and conflicts

Setting a Strategic Vision – Identifies and articulates the strategic goals and direction of the company, division, or group; establishes connections between short term goals and long-term objectives and directions

Solving Complex Problems – Breaks down large problems into smaller, more manageable components; identifies key factors that influence the viability of different solutions; clarifies information needed to solve problems

Working with Financial Information – Understands how financial information is used to guide business decisions; develops accurate financial forecasts; considers decisions from a financial perspective


Value-Based Competencies
Performance Management
Probationary Reviews for New Staff Members
Progressive Discipline for Staff Members

The University complies with all applicable laws regarding affirmative action and equal opportunity in all its activities and programs and does not discriminate against anyone protected by law because of age, color, disability, national origin, race, religion, sex, status as a veteran or disabled veteran or genetic information. More information