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Human Resources
University of Mississippi

Resources Page 

The purpose of this page will be to collect all compensation and classification resources in one place.  This includes, links to webpages, informational documents, videos, presentations, guides, tools, policies etc.  The majority of these resources will be added closer to or after implementation / go live.  (October 2024).  If you have ideas of items to be added to this page please reach out and connect with the compensation team through Jody Bevill or Bryce Drew.

Note*  Not all resources on this page may be applicable to all employees.  One example could be a leadership guide but you do not manage people.


See some of the frequently asked questions we’ve encountered to this point.

This resource highlights some key terms and concepts for interpreting the View 2022 initiative. This list will be updated as needed to provide a full understanding of the concepts behind the University’s new compensation structure.

Learn more about the Families and Sub-Families within View 2022. These categories will be integral to how we define the work that gets done on our campus going forward.

Or Download the PDF.

Work will be even more precisely classified based on the level at which it is performed. Here is a useful tool for interpreting your assigned Career Track/Level.

*To note: the final career level of a particular role will be a blend of each of these metrics. In our eventual ideal state, each Family will have a dimensioning guide tailored to the roles within that category of work.

Looking for a high level overview of View 2022? Check out this our Open Forum presentation from November 2023 or watch the video of Bryce Drew giving this presentation to one of our campus units.

Or, Watch the video

This resource provides the full catalog of over 500 job profiles created to encapsulate the work performed at the University of Mississippi. Subject Matter Experts from across campus, along with our Huron consultants, were instrumental in the development of these profiles.

Recently, HR Compensation and Classification sat down with our Marketing and Communications team to begin to answer some Frequently Asked Questions in a little more conversational setting. Check out the videos here!


Update: 7/11/2024