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Human Resources
University of Mississippi

Online HR Form 19 through Box Sign

A Box Sign account is not necessary for the Electronic Form 19.

HR Form 19 Procedures

Step 1

Step 2

  • Register for the course(s) you wish to take after being admitted
  • Contact iStudy if registering for an iStudy course

Step 3

  • Request online Form 19
  • Receive Box Sign email with link to Form 19
  • Complete Form 19
  • Form 19 will be routed to supervisor and Human Resources automatically

Step 4

  • Human Resources processes Form 19
  • Please allow adequate time for processing
  • Approved tuition waivers are sent to Financial Aid

Step 5

  • Financial Aid posts the tuition waiver award to your myOleMiss student account
  • Accept the award

Note:  HR cannot process any Form 19’s for future semesters until grades for the current semester have been posted.  As a result, you will likely receive a bill from the Bursar’s Office.  This bill will be cleared once you have accepted your Financial Aid award through myOleMiss.

Request an Electronic Version of the Form 19




More About Box Sign

Box Sign is an eSignature technology that allows people to sign documents virtually. Available at, teams and departments at the University will be able to upload documents, create templates that can be shared and reused amongst team members, then send those documents to users who can sign and return their legally binding eSignature using their mobile or desktop device.