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Human Resources
University of Mississippi

Form 7 – Stipends for Student Employment


  • To employ students who work on a regular schedule and paid on a salaried basis – to pay salary only. A Form 7 will not be used to avoid an hourly time sheet.  Minimum wage rules apply.
  • Typically used for Graduate Assistants, Research Assistants, and Graduate Instructors.

Position Types

  • Graduate Instructor
  • Teaching Assistant – Must be semester (or academic year) assignment.
  • Research Assistant – Must be paid from Research account. (research accounts – 4th digits is a “2”)

Cost Centers

Cost Distribution percentages must total 100% for each time interval.

Effective Dates

Usually not the day the form is prepared; however, we see it quite often.

Education History

Education history is required only for new Graduate Instructors & the position requires a minimum 18 hours

Maximum Hours & Employment Percentages

Be aware of maximum hours allowed. Refer to the policy, Employment of Students.

Employment Percentages for Teaching:
1 – 3 credit hour course  =  25%
2 – 3 credit hour courses =  50%
3 – 3 credit hour courses =  75%
4 – 3 credit hour courses = 100%

Other employees:
# of Hours Worked


If a form is for a partial semester, include a note if another form  will be submitted for continued employment (for health insurance purposes)

Calculations for Partial Semesters or Monthly Assignments

Fund 20 and 30 accounts:  The hiring department is responsible for providing either the monthly rate and dates OR the “Total Funds Required” and dates.  A member of Human Resources will calculate other amount, either the monthly rate or “Total Funds Required.”  Enter a single penny (.01) for the required field, if you are not providing both.

Fund 10 account: the hiring department is responsible for at least providing the total funds required.  Enter a single penny (.01) for the required monthly amount field, if you are not providing both. When calculating, both “Total Funds Required” consider the following:

  • The pay periods run 1st – 15th and 16th – 30/31st
  • The work days include Monday – Friday including holidays
  • Use the spreadsheet for assistance in calculating the total funds required for a specific period (not a flat semester rate):

The spreadsheet may also be used to calculate the monthly amount, if needed.  Select the appropriate tab at the bottom of the Excel spreadsheet.


  • Form 7s for “undergraduates” do not require Graduate School approval.
  • Form 7s that are funded by 25 or 30 accounts do not require the Budget Office’s approval


If funded from wages or another category, go ahead and prepare an E-Form 22 to move the funding to salaries. Reference the E-Form 22 sequence number on Form 7.

Over Payments & Mishaps

  • It is the departments responsibility to manage the accounts.  At least monthly, review and audit accounts
  • 10 accounts are reviewed by the Budget Office
  • Separations should be timely
  • Delayed Forms may cause over payments.  For example, students not returning in the Spring or employment ending before the Form 7 assignment ends.

Changes or Corrections

Changes must be processed on a Form 3 (unless “no service” and the student isn’t set up in SAP)

Related Policies:

Employment of Students

International Student Employment